Limitation: ERROR 0191 will appear when the system is restarted after the BIOS is updated if supervisor password is already installed and BIOS Update Option (i.e. BIOS Setup Utility -> Security -> BIOS Update Option -> Flash BIOS Updating by End -Users) is Enabled. Workaround: If supervisor password is known, press F1, enter supervisor password, and press F10. ERROR 0191 will disappear when the system is restarted. If supervisor password is unknown, press ESC to skip to start an operating system. The limitation will be fixed in the next BIOS release.
Version 3.01
BIOS: 3.01 / ECP: 1.04
(New) Added support for Intel Anti-Theft Technology PC Protection (AT-p).
Note: To use the Intel AT-p feature, "Intel AMT 4.1 - Management Engine Firmware" version 4.1.3 or higher must be installed into your computer.
(New) Added support for ConstantSecure Remote Disable.
(New) Added support for ConstantConnect.
(New) Added support for ThinkVantage Hardware Password Manager.
Note: If system protection function by Intel Anti-Theft Technology PC Protection, ConstantSecure Remote Disable or ThinkVantage Hardware Password Manager feature is still activated and when you try to get back to the older BIOS versions without these features, the following message will be displayed. This is to prevent system protection function from being deactivated.
BIOS Update CD: "Error The system program file is not correct for this system"
BIOS Update Utility: "The process does not recognize this system.The utility process has not completed."
To get back to such the older BIOS versions, you should deactivate these features before applying the BIOS.
(New) Saved about 1 to 3 seconds for system boot on the models with the finger print reader.