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是不是10月份P-M CPU要降价?

Intel to cut Pentium M and portability CPU prices in October
Posted by Voodoo on 19 Aug 2003 - 14:52 | 0 comments
Taiwanese notebook makers have confirmed October price cuts on Intel’s
Pentium M and mobile portability processors that were reported earlier. Intel
expects to cut prices for Pentium M processors by 13-33% on October 5, when
it will also phase out the 1.3GHz Pentium M CPU, sources said.
Prices for Intel’s portability processors are also expected to be cut in
October, with mobile Pentium 4 processors to fall in price by 14-35% on
October 26, sources said. The price cuts are expected to boost sales of Intel
’s processors as the PC
market transitions into the peak season, according to sources. According to
estimates by local notebook makers, global notebook sales are expected toreach a historic high of 10 million units in the fourth quarter.

是不是10月份P-M CPU要降价?

6月份就已经降过一次了,低端机型不会有啥变化,因为1.3G回停产,1.4G上次就没降多少,1.5G 1.6G会降比较多。




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