Arado Ar 76 (fighter)
"Heimatschutzjäger" - home defence fighter
Arado Ar 232 (battlezone transport)
"Tausendfüssler" - centipede (the a/c had numerous small wheels under the fuselage)
Arado Ar 234 (turbojet reconnaissance plane/bomber, 1943)
Blitz - lightning
"Hecht" - pike (I haven't found any confirmation to this, but it could come from the Kdo. Hecht which was operating this type)
Arado Ar 234B-2/N (turbojet nightfighter)
Nachtigall - nightingale
Arado Ar 234B + Fieseler Fi 103 (turbojet missile carrier)
"Deichselschlepp" - shaft tow (for the configuration where the missile was towed behind the Ar 234 with a rigid shaft)
Arado Ar 234C + Fieseler Fi 103 (turbojet missile carrier)
"Startwagen" - starter cart (for the configuration where the missile was towed behind the Ar 234)
"Hukepack" - pickaback (for the configuration where the missile was carried atop the Ar 234)
Bücker Bü 133 (trainer)
Jungmeister - young champion
Bücker Bü 180 (trainer)
Student - student
Bücker Bü 181 (trainer)
Bücker Bü 182 (trainer)
Kornett - cornet
DFS 108-14 Schulgleiter SG 38 (glider)
training glider
DFS 108-30 (glider)
Kranich II - crane
DFS 108-49 (glider, 1932)
Grunau Baby
DFS 108-68 (glider, 1938)
Weihe - harrier
DFS 108-70 (glider, 1940)
Olympia - (gliding was planned to be a field at the 1940 Olympic Games)
Olympia-Meise - olympic titmouse (development of DFS Meise)
DFS 108-... Eon (glider)
DFS 108-... Habicht (glider, 1936)
DFS 108-... Kranich (glider, 1935)
DFS 108-... Meise (glider, 1938)
DFS 108-... Stummel-Habicht (glider)
stump hawk (clipped-wing version of the DFS Habicht)
Dornier Do 17Z-6 (night fighter)
Kauz - screech owl
Dornier Do 17Z-10 (night fighter)
Kauz II - screech owl II
Dornier Do 19 (long-range bomber)
"Uralbomber" - Ural bomber
Dornier Do 215B-6 (night fighter)
Kauz III - screech owl III
Dornier Do 335 (fighter)
Pfeil - arrow
"Ameisenbär" - aardvark
Dornier G I
Greif - griffon
Dornier H Falke
Dornier H Seefalke
sea falcon
Dornier J
Wal - whale
Dornier J II
Wal - whale
Dornier J IId
Militär-Wal - military whale
Dornier L1
Delphin I - dolphin I
Dornier L2
Delphin II - dolphin II
Dornier L3
Delphin III - dolphin III
Dornier R2
Superwal - superwhale
Dornier R4
Superwal - superwhale
Dornier Spatz
Dr. Geest Möwe 4 (1913)
Dr. Hübner Mücke (1935)
EMW A 4 (ballistic missile)
Vergeltungswaffe-2 (V-2) - vengeance weapon 2 (nickname given by J. Goebbels)
EMW C 2 (AA missile)
Wasserfall - waterfall
EMW Taifun (missile)
Etrich Limousine (~1925)
Etrich Taube (1910)
Ferdinand Schulz F.S.3
Fieseler F 1
Tigerschwalbe - tiger swallow?
Fieseler F 2
Tiger - tiger
Fieseler F 3
Wespe - wasp
Fieseler Fi 99
Jungtiger - young tiger
Fieseler Fi 103 (flying bomb)
FZG 76 (deceptive codename)
Kirschkern - cherry stone
Vergeltungswaffe-1 (V-1) - vengeance weapon 1 (nickname coined by J. Goebbels)
"Buzz Bomb" (Allied nickname)
"Doodlebug" (Allied nickname)
Nicknames applied to different configurations of carrier aircraft and Fieseler Fi 103 flying bomb:
"Deichselschlepp" - shaft tow (with Ar 234B)
"Hukepack" - pickapack (with Ar 234C)
"arasit" - parasite (with He 111H-22)
"Startwagen" - starter cart (with Ar 234C)
Focke-Wulf Fw 190D (fighter)
"Langsnasen-Dora" - long-nosed Dora
Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 (fighter)
Focke-Wulf Fw 190F-9 (anti-tank aircraft)
"anzerblitz" - tank lightning
Focke-Wulf Fw 191 (fast bomber)
"Fliegendes Kraftwerk" - flying power station (after its electrical control system)
Focke-Wulf Fw 200 (airliner and bomber)
Focke-Wulf Fw 200C (marine reconnaissance aircraft and bomber)
"Kur'yer" (Russian nickname) - courier
"Scourge of the Atlantic" (British nickname given by W. Churchill)
Fokker D VIII (fighter, 1918)
"Flying Razor" (British nickname)
Fokker Spinne (1910)
FVA 10b Rheinland (glider, 1937)
Grunau 9 (glider, 1929)
Einheitsschulgleiter - standard training glider?
"Schädelspalter" - skull-splitter
Grunau Baby (DFS 108-49) (glider, 1932)
Heinkel He 45
"Möbelwagen" - furniture truck (referring to its massiveness)
"antechnicon" - (also referring to its massiveness)
"Pavo" (Spanish nickname)
Heinkel He 46
"Pava" (Spanish nickname)
Heinkel He 51
"Cadenas" (Spanish nickname)
Heinkel He 59
"Zapatone(s)" (Spanish nickname) - large shoe(s)
Heinkel He 70
Blitz - lightning
"Rayo" (Spanish nickname)
Heinkel He 72
Kadett - cadet
Heinkel He 72B-3
Edelkadett - leading cadet
Heinkel He 74 (fighter)
"Heimatschutzjäger" - home defence fighter
Heinkel He 111 (bomber)
"Doppel-Blitz" - double lightning (its design had been inspired by the He 70 but it was double-engined)
"Pedro" (Spanish nickname)
Heinkel He 111H-22 + Fieseler Fi 103 (missile carrier)
"Parasit" - parasite (the missile was carried under a wing of the He 111)
Heinkel He 111Z (glider tug and reconnaissance plane)
"Zwilling" - twin (two-fuselage a/c)
Heinkel He 177 (heavy bomber)
Greif - griffon
"Luftwaffenfeuerzeug" - cigarette lighter of the Luftwaffe (referring to the flammable engines?)
"Reichsfackel" - torch of the Reich
"Reichsfeuerzeug" - cigarette lighter of the Reich (referring to the flammable engines?)
Heinkel He 219 (night fighter)
Uhu - eagle owl
Heinkel P.1077
Julia - Juliett
Julia II - Juliett II
all three were different versions
Junkers Ju 86 (airliner and bomber)
"Jumo" (Spanish nickname)
Junkers Ju 87 (dive bomber)
"Stuka" - dive bomber
"Stupido" (Spanish nickname) - stupid
"Picchiatello" (Italian nickname) - diving a/c; crazy, hit on the head
"Sitting Duck" (British nickname after the Battle of Britain)
"Nazi Hoax" (British nickname after the Battle of Britain)
"Lopata" - spade (Russian nickname)
Junkers Ju 87A (dive bomber)
Junkers Ju 87B (dive bomber)
Junkers Ju 87D (dive bomber)
Junkers Ju 87G (anti-tank aircraft)
"Panzerknacker" - tank smasher
"Kanonenvogel" - cannon bird
Junkers Ju 88 (fast bomber a.o.)
"Dreifinger" - three-finger
Junkers Ju 188A (fast bomber a.o.)
Rächer - avenger
Junkers Ju 322 (flying wing transport glider)
Mammut - mammoth
Junkers Ju 352 (transport)
Herkules - Hercules
Junkers Ju 388 (fast bomber)
Junkers Ju 388J (fast bomber)
Störtebecker - a German 15th-century pirate
Messerschmitt (Blohm und Voss?) L10 Friedensengel (glide torpedo)
peace angel
Messerschmitt Libelle
Messerschmitt (Blohm und Voss?) L11 Schneewittchen
Messerschmitt Rotorjet (project, 1966)
Mistel (composite aircraft)
Beethoven-Gerät - Beethoven device (official code-name)
"Vater und Sohn" - father and son
"Hukepack" - hukepack
Mistel 5 (composite aircraft)
"Führungsmaschine" - leading machine